
picture of a woman


picture of a woman with glasses


picture of a man with glasses


picture of a man with glasses

Myopia, often referred to as nearsightedness, is an eye disease in which the eye elongates, causing light to be focused in front of the retina instead of on the retina’s surface. Essentially, your child’s eye is growing too long.

Do you suffer from dry eye syndrome? If you do, you probably experience several symptoms. The cause of this eye condition varies from one person to another, as do the treatment options. But for many people, especially those with meibomian gland dysfunction, LipiFlow® may be the best option.

The truth is scientists and doctors are still learning about myopia and the main causes of the disease. What’s known is several factors lead a child to develop myopia, including genetic, environmental, and even socioeconomic status. 

Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the United States. This common eye disease currently affects more than 3 million Americans, with the vast majority of them being over the age of 40.

You need to encourage your child to spend more time outdoors to protect their eyesight and prevent myopia.

Myopia, often referred to as nearsightedness, is an eye disease in which the eye elongates more than it should, causing light to be focused in front of the retina instead of on the retina’s surface. Essentially, your child’s eye is growing too long.

Keratoconus is an eye condition characterized by the distortion of the cornea or clear front dome. A cornea functions by focusing light on the eyes, which helps produce clear images.

A migraine can cause intense pain, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. It causes your head to throb and pulsates on one side of the head. Migraines can be due to several issues. These include stress, hormonal changes, exercise, and eye problems. If you suspect that your migraines result from eye problems, you need to seek help from an optometrist.

Given the rapid increase in childhood myopia being seen in the U.S., the American Academy of Ophthalmology and American Academy of Pediatrics recently updated their guidance on managing myopia in children. Both organizations now recommend children play outdoors more to delay the onset of myopia and support proactive treatment of myopic children to reduce the progression and eye disease risk associated with higher myopia later in life.

Before discussing potential “cures” and ways to control for myopia it is important to ensure we define it correctly. A myopic eye is one that grows too long front to back. We know this because we measure it using special equipment that calculates the length of the eye from the front (cornea) to the back (retina). This distance is known as the axial length, and with advanced equipment we can now measure this down to fractions of a millimeter. So myopia is an abnormal elongation of the eye - if a normal eye is shaped like a basketball, then a myopic eye would more resemble a football. 

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