Is LipiFlow® a Treatment Option for Dry Eye?

picture of a woman

Is LipiFlow® a Treatment Option for Dry Eye?

picture of a woman with glasses

Is LipiFlow® a Treatment Option for Dry Eye?

picture of a man with glasses

Is LipiFlow® a Treatment Option for Dry Eye?

picture of a man with glasses

Do you suffer from dry eye syndrome? If you do, you probably experience several symptoms. The cause of this eye condition varies from one person to another, as do the treatment options. But for many people, especially those with meibomian gland dysfunction, LipiFlow® may be the best option.



What Is Dry Eye Syndrome?



Dry eye syndrome is one of the most common eye conditions. It occurs when you cannot produce adequate tears to lubricate your eyes. Your tears may be unstable or inadequate due to various reasons.


For example, you may experience dry eyes if you produce poor-quality tears or insufficient tears. That can cause inflammation and damage to the surface of your eyes.



Symptoms of Dry Eye Disease



Symptoms and signs of dry eye disease usually affect both eyes. Some of them include:


  • Eye fatigue.
  • Blurred vision.
  • A stinging, scratchy, or burning sensation in your eyes.
  • Watery eyes due to the irritation of dry eyes.
  • Stringy mucus around and in your eyes.
  • Difficulty with driving at night.
  • Difficulty wearing contacts.
  • Sensitivity to light.
  • Foreign object sensation in your eyes.
  • Eye redness.



LipiFlow Dry Eye Treatment



MGD is the most prevalent cause of dry eye disease. One of the most effective and advanced treatments for meibomian gland dysfunction is LipiFlow. It is an FDA-approved treatment that works by massaging and warming the inside of the eyelid. It aims to improve tear quality and restore healthy oil production. 



Is LipiFlow Effective for Treating Dry Eyes?



LipiFlow is an innovative treatment that can help the meibomian glands resume their natural production of tear film oil. It involves using a specialized device designed to heat and massage away any blockage. The treatment removes blockages and flushes dead cells from the meibomian gland. 


A single treatment session lasts about 15 minutes and can provide significant relief for those suffering from MGD and dry eyes. You should undergo treatment every nine months to one year for the best results. 



How the Treatment Works



Your doctor will evaluate you to determine whether you suffer from meibomian gland dysfunction using an imaging device designed to view the meibomian glands. If you are a candidate for LipiFlow, your eye doctor may administer treatment the same day. 


Your eye doctor will numb your eyes using anesthetic eye drops before placing the LipiFlow activators over and under your eyelids. Once in place, the procedure should not take more than 15 minutes. It begins with the activators applying constant pressure for about two minutes as they warm up. 


Gland obstructions begin to dissolve, and the activators cycle through various pressure levels over the next 10 minutes or so. That provides the massage that triggers the natural flow of oil for the tear film.  






LipiFlow can help you if you have moderate to severe dry eyes caused by meibomian gland dysfunction. Your eye doctor will assess the quality of your tear film and your eye health. That will allow them to create a custom treatment plan, which will likely include LipiFlow.  


For more on LipiFlow, visit Look! Optometry at our office in Manhattan Beach, California. Call (310) 796-5665 to book an appointment today.

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