Conditions Treated

picture of a woman

Conditions Treated

picture of a woman with glasses

Conditions Treated

picture of a man with glasses

Conditions Treated

picture of a man with glasses

Myopia or Nearsightedness: A common condition in which the eye sees near but not far.

Hyperopia or Farsightedness: A common condition in which the eye sees far but not near.

Presbyopia: Aging causes our eyes lenses to lose their flexibility so that after forty reading becomes more difficult.

Astigmatism: Virtually everyone experiences this to some degree. An imperfect curvature of our eyes distorts vision at all distances.

Keratoconus: A progressive disease that thins the cornea, causing it to bulge into a cone shape that blurs vision.

Glaucoma: When the eyes are unable to properly drain their fluid, pressure builds up and blind spots develop in the peripheral (side) vision.

Macular degeneration: Yellow deposits form behind the retina and gradually destroy the central vision.

Conjunctivitis or Pink Eye: The whites (conjunctiva) of the eyes become inflamed.

Dry eye: Insufficient and/or poor quality of tears cause a lack of lubrication and nourishment for the eyes.

Allergies: The cause of itchy, red eyes for millions of people.

Cataracts: Heredity, injury, disease, and mostly, age causes the eyes lenses to gradually become cloudy.

Amblyopia or lazy eye: Develops in childhood. For various reasons, the brain favors only one eye. This may lead to eyes that are misaligned (cross-eyed).

eye exam

Take a Look at Some of Look! Optometry's Advanced Eye Care Services

  • Optos Retinal Imaging: Optos is a brand-new technology that enables an ultra-wide view of the retina. Faster than traditional eye examinations, it eliminates the need for dilation and enables a more accurate diagnosis. Its high-resolution image is immediately available and can be enlarged to enable our specialists to spot any hidden eye problems and prescribe your best course of treatment.
  • Our wide variety of contact lenses and glasses correct almost every refractive error: This includes nearsightedness, farsightedness, presbyopia, astigmatism, and keratoconus.
  • Orthokeratology corrects mild refractive errors while you sleep: Before you retire for the night, you place special contact lenses on your eyes. After one to two weeks, the shape of your eyes changes enough for you to see clearly all the next day without glasses or contacts. Ortho-K is mainly used to slow the progression of myopia in adults and children, but it is also used to temporarily correct low-degree astigmatism, hyperopia, and even presbyopia.
  • Our Lipiflow device treats dry eye: A disposable, one-use dome applies precisely-controlled heat and pressure to your eyes. This unclogs your eyelids' oil glands and restores the lipid layer that slows down the evaporation of your tears.
Our number at Look! Optometry in Manhattan Beach is (310) 796-5665. Call us today!
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