
picture of a woman


picture of a woman with glasses


picture of a man with glasses


picture of a man with glasses

If you suffer from myopia or nearsightedness, you find it difficult to see distant objects. Myopia is a fairly common sight issue that often begins in childhood. Many school-aged children suffer from myopia, with the number rising rapidly. 

Do images far from you appear blurry but get sharper as you get closer to them? If so, you could be suffering from an eye condition called myopia (nearsightedness). The specific cause for this condition is not clear, though environmental and hereditary factors are significant contributors. Thus, an individual's chances of developing this condition are high if a parent also has it.

The start of a new school year can be overwhelming, even for the most confident children. That’s why parents are doing whatever they can to help their children successfully transition to the next academic grade.

Optos Retinal Imaging Exam involves the use of revolutionary diagnostic equipment to view the retina. This imaging uses a scanning laser. During the exam, the non-dilating camera will capture an image of the retina in one shot. 

Given the rapid increase in childhood myopia being seen in the U.S., the American Academy of Ophthalmology and American Academy of Pediatrics recently updated their guidance on managing myopia in children.

Most parents are aware of the many benefits associated with children taking part in outdoor activities. The obvious benefits of fresh air and physical exercise aren’t the only perks for kids who play outdoors. Recent research shows that increased “sun time” can actually slow down the progression of myopia (often referred to as nearsightedness), or even postpone its onset!  

Do you often wear prescription eyewear? If so, you must have imagined how easier life would've been if you no longer depended on eyeglasses or contact lenses. You want to correct your vision problems without eye surgery. The good news is this idea only sounded far-fetched in the past. But it's an option for many people these days. Thanks to orthokeratology or ortho-k, it's now possible to correct refractive errors and slow the progression of nearsightedness in children. But who could be a good candidate for this treatment? Your eye doctor may recommend ortho-k if you have the following vision problems:

When it comes to eye care, you are advised to wear sunglasses to protect yourself from damaging UV rays. Today, most sunglasses are embedded with UV protection lenses. To be sure that your sunglasses have UV protection, you can take them to an optical shop for testing.

The drastic increase in the number of children diagnosed with myopia during the past decade is astonishing — but is it surprising? Not really. When you analyze the causes of myopia, it becomes clear why more and more children are becoming affected by this progressive eye disease.  

Unless you have worn contact lenses before, you may not realize that there are lots of different styles and materials to choose from. Since every patient and eye is unique, there’s no ‘one-lens-fits-all’ solution, and instead, it’s important to select the variety that best suits your eyes and your visual needs. One type of contact lens that you may not be familiar with is the scleral lenses.

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