What's the Difference Between IPL and LipiFlow®?

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What's the Difference Between IPL and LipiFlow®?

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What's the Difference Between IPL and LipiFlow®?

picture of a man with glasses

What's the Difference Between IPL and LipiFlow®?

picture of a man with glasses

Dry eye syndrome is a widespread condition that affects people of all ages. However, it is much more common among people over 50. One of the most common causes of dry eye syndrome is meibomian gland dysfunction. 

Meibomian gland dysfunction is a condition where your meibomian glands become obstructed. They are unable to produce the lipids necessary for a stable tear film. Tears usually evaporate much quicker than they should without lipids, leaving your eyes dried out. You can get one of two treatments to correct meibomian gland dysfunction: IPL (intense pulse light) therapy or LipiFlow®. 

What is (MGD) Meibomian Gland Dysfunction?


As mentioned above, MGD is one of the leading causes of dry eye. The meibomian glands produce a specific type of oil called meibum. It is one of the three layers of the tear film, which also includes the mucus and aqueous layers. The oil covers the other two layers and protects them from evaporating.

Meibomian glands can get blocked because the oil produced is too thick or because of other oil impurities. Blocked glands result in two things—dry eye syndrome and inflamed eyelids. Dry eye syndrome rarely resolves independently, but an eye doctor can help. Below are the two treatment options available to help patients remedy their condition.

What is IPL?


IPL, or intense pulsed light, is a treatment that eye doctors use to correct meibomian gland dysfunction. It was initially used for cosmetic purposes but has proven effective for this condition. According to a particular study, IPL significantly affected the breakdown time of tears. It worked effectively on 87 percent of all treated patients.

How Does IPL Work?


IPL works by releasing warm wavelengths of light that penetrate the eyelids. Specifically, it uses scattered light, which treats inflammation. The light penetrates the eyelids and breaks up the obstructions to restore the glands' functionality. 

Pros and Cons of IPL

  • IPL is an effective anti-inflammatory treatment

  • The results from the treatment are long-lasting

  • The treatment is painless and safe

  • The treatment requires between three and four treatments for the best results


What is LipiFlow?


LipiFlow, like IPL, uses heat and thermal pulsation plus a massage feature. These two features work together to remove the obstructions in the meibomian glands. Unlike IPL, LipiFlow was designed specifically to treat meibomian gland dysfunction. 

How Does LipiFlow Work?


The LipiFlow device has two major components that deliver the double action. The first one heats your eyelids to help loosen the obstructions. The other component sits on your eyelids, massaging them to help ease the impurities. 

It is a relatively painless procedure, but the eye doctor will administer mild anesthesia to ensure you are comfortable. Most patients report that the treatment feels like a gentle massage of their eyelids. The entire treatment takes about 12 minutes. 

Pros and Cons of LipiFlow

  • It is an automated process, making it quite effective

  • It provides long-term relief

  • There is no guarantee that it will work

  • You may experience side effects after the procedure

For more on the difference between IPL and LipiFlow, visit Look! Optometry at our office in Manhattan Beach, California. Call (310) 796-5665​​​​​​​ to book an appointment today.

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