The Role of Nutrition in Eye Health: Foods to Eat for Better Vision

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The Role of Nutrition in Eye Health: Foods to Eat for Better Vision

picture of a woman with glasses

The Role of Nutrition in Eye Health: Foods to Eat for Better Vision

picture of a man with glasses

The Role of Nutrition in Eye Health: Foods to Eat for Better Vision

picture of a man with glasses

The inability to see clearly can make it difficult to perform most functions effectively. Eye health is essential for overall good health. Some nutrients are vital for eye health. They promote eye function and protect the eyes from harmful light. They also help minimize the risk of developing age-related eye diseases.


Nutrition and Common Eye Diseases


The risk of developing eye diseases increases with age. The most common eye diseases are cataracts, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and dry eye syndrome. The risk of developing the disease depends on genes and other factors, but it can also be diet-related. Your age and lifestyle can predispose you to severe eye diseases. An eye doctor can recommend nutritious foods that can help improve your eye health. 


Vitamin A and Eye Health


Research shows that vitamin A deficiency is a common cause of vision loss worldwide. The vitamin is crucial for maintaining the light-sensing eye cells known as photoreceptors. Failing to get enough of the vitamin can lead to night blindness, dry eye, and other severe conditions. Vitamin A comes from several foods, including eggs, liver, and dairy products. It can also be derived from plant-based foods, including certain fruits and vegetables. 


Omega-3 Fatty Acids 


Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) are important for proper eye health. The retina contains high amounts of DHA that help maintain eye function. It is vital for eye and brain development in infancy. 

DHS deficiency can cause vision impairments, particularly in children. Taking omega-3 supplements can benefit people with dry eye syndrome. Sources of omega-3 include oily fish, nuts, seeds (such as chia and flaxseed), and plant oils. 


Lutein and Zeaxanthin

Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants called macular pigments. They are present in the central section of the retina, known as the macula, the light-sensitive eyeball cells. They act as a natural sunblock, protecting the eyes from harmful light rays. 

Studies show that intake of nutrients can reduce the risk of developing AMD and cataracts. They are present in foods such as spinach, kale, green peas, parsley, broccoli, and pistachios. Red grapes, egg yolks, and sweet corn contain high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin. 


Vitamin C and Vitamin E


Evidence shows that vitamin C can reduce the risk of developing cataracts and slow the progression of AMD. Vitamin C can also help prevent visual acuity loss. You can get the vitamin from fruits like oranges, grapefruit, papaya, and strawberries. It is also present in vegetables such as tomatoes and green peppers. 

Vitamin E helps protect the eyes from free radicles that cause the breakdown of healthy tissue. Food sources include sweet potatoes, nuts, wheat germ, and vegetable oils such as corn and safflower.  

Zinc is another essential nutrient for eye health. It helps in the transmission of vitamin A to the retina to boost melanin production. The protective pigment can reduce the risk of impaired vision. Your eye doctor can recommend foods that help protect your eye health. 

For more on the role of nutrition in eye health and foods to eat for better vision, visit Look! Optometry at our Manhattan Beach, California office. Call (310) 796-5665 to schedule an appointment today.

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