The Benefits of LipiFlow

picture of a woman

The Benefits of LipiFlow

picture of a woman with glasses

The Benefits of LipiFlow

picture of a man with glasses

The Benefits of LipiFlow

picture of a man with glasses

Dry eye syndrome is a very common condition that will affect most people at some point during their lifetime. It is characterized by dry, scratchy and uncomfortable eyes that feel stiff and hard to move. Blurred vision is also very common, along with sensitivity to light. Many instances will resolve themselves fairly quickly. However, for a percentage of sufferers, the issue will become chronic and they will want to seek treatment to help alleviate their symptoms and make it easier for them to see clearly and use their eyes more comfortably day to day.


Fortunately, there are a variety of different treatment options available that can help, with one of the most popular and successful being LipiFlow.

What is LipiFlow?


LipiFlow is an innovative treatment that is highly successful in treating dry eye syndrome, and meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) which is a leading cause of dry eyes. It is the only FDA approved device that provides both inner and outer lid therapy to alleviate the cause of dry eyes.


Meibomian gland dysfunction is when the glands that are responsible for producing the oil for tear film – which is the natural lubrication of the eyes - become blocked or defective. LipiFlow is a treatment device that is designed specifically for effectively removing blockages from the meibomian glands and stimulating them to function properly and produce the oils needed to complete tear film. It works using thermal pulsation – a technique which sees the device gently heating and massaging the inner and outer eyelids in order to remove the blockages from the meibomian glands.


LipiFlow activators, which are placed over the eyes as part of the treatment, are single-use meaning that they are completely sterile. The activators do not come into contact with the surface of the eyes themselves, and the treatment is painless, taking place in around just 12 minutes. Many patients may see a significant improvement in their symptoms after just one session, but it isn’t unusual for patients to have a series of treatments.

What are the benefits of LipiFlow?


LipiFlow offers patients a variety of benefits, which include the following:


Less need for eye drops. Patients who have LipiFlow treatment typically have far less dependence on artificial tears and other eye drops.


Short treatment times. LipiFlow can be carried out in 12 minutes, which makes the treatment easy to fit into your busy schedule.


Natural treatment. LipiFlow stimulates the natural production of oils, rather than relying on any artificial substances.


A safe and efficient treatment. LipiFlow is the only FDA-approved treatment of its kind.


Completely painless. LipiFlow is non-invasive and does not require any anesthetic. In fact, many patients are so relaxed that they are happy to doze or listen to music during their treatment.


Long-term relief from dry eyes. Since it removes blockages, LipiFlow tends to give longer-term relief from symptoms than alternatives. Dry eyes can be chronic, which means that you may need further treatments over time. However, most patients can obtain relief from symptoms for two weeks or more at a time.


For more information about LipiFlow, or to schedule a consultation to see if you are a good candidate for the treatment, please contact our office.

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