Back to School Eye Exams & Vision Tests for Kids

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Back to School Eye Exams & Vision Tests for Kids

picture of a woman with glasses

Back to School Eye Exams & Vision Tests for Kids

picture of a man with glasses

Back to School Eye Exams & Vision Tests for Kids

picture of a man with glasses

A comprehensive eye exam is as crucial as back-to-school supplies are for your child’s success in school. It’s important to remember that kids are primarily visual learners. Many basic learning skills are related to good eyesight. These include near and distance vision, focusing skills, eye movement skills, peripheral awareness, binocular coordination, and hand-eye coordination. Routine vision screening from an early age is necessary for catching risk factors that can lead to irreversible visual impairment.


How Can You Tell if Your Kid Has Trouble Seeing?

Children generally don’t voice complaints about their eyes. That’s why you should pay close attention to the following warning signs, as these indicate that your child has a vision problem:

  • Double vision.
  • Misaligned eyes.
  • Extreme light sensitivity.
  • Tilting the head to one side.
  • Squinting or covering one eye.
  • Frequent eye blinking or rubbing.
  • Avoiding reading and other close activities.
  • Excessive clumsiness or poor depth perception.
  • Holding books or reading materials close to the face.
  • Headache, nausea, or dizziness when reading and other visual tasks.


Children can’t learn what they can’t see. If your kid has difficulty seeing print or viewing a blackboard, he or she can become easily frustrated. This could result in poor academic performance. Consequently, a healthy vision is vital to help your child learn to his or her fullest potential. Early detection and treatment of visual health problems can help prevent eye problems from progressing.


What to Expect in a Kid’s Eye Exam

There are several things your eye doctor will check for when you bring your kid in for a comprehensive eye exam. The first few tests will look for any refractive error. These include nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Your eye doctor will also examine how your kid’s eyes move to determine if the eyes line up right and track together. Even how your kid’s eyes react to changes in light and darkness will be tested.


Furthermore, your eye doctor will also take a close look at your kid’s eyelids to identify any abnormalities, such as bumps, discharges, and swelling. Your kid’s cornea, iris, and lens will also be thoroughly inspected to check for cloudiness and other irregularities.


Are Vision Tests at School Sufficient?

Vision screenings conducted at your child’s school are useful for understanding what you need to do next. However, some parents rely solely on these tests, giving them a false sense of security. Even if your child passes a vision screening, he or she should still receive a comprehensive eye exam. Many eye conditions lack visible signs or symptoms, thus can go completely unnoticed. Only thorough eye exams done by a licensed eye doctor can detect and test for a full range of eye disorders that may affect your kid’s potential.


Eye exams are more comprehensive than a vision screening. Experts recommend that aside from vision screening, every kid should receive an eye exam at least once a year. This will not only keep any of your child's prescriptions up to date, but it will also give your eye doctor a chance to check for other vision problems.


Don’t let poor vision hold your child back. Visit Look! Optometry today, and we will answer any questions you might have about eye exams and vision health problems. Call our office in Manhattan Beach, at (310) 796-5665 to schedule an appointment.

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